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The mission of Judges University is to educate God-fearing Christians around the world in a non-discriminatory environment, using technology at the forefront. We can achieve this through our traditional yet progressive values and educational know how.  

We begin by exposing our candidates to idealistic reasoning, and we use the principals of the teachings of the Holy Bible as a way of understanding, that allows the student to transform his or her thinking not only on the educational plane – but on the spiritual as well.

Although our mission is as much spiritual as it is educational-transformational, we do not obligate our students to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior, yet we encourage anyone that meets our educational programs to partake in the message of His salvation.



We will set the standard for Christian based vocational and or higher education in our century. We are committed to creating, sustaining and defending the conditions that enable all students to experience a challenging educational journey.

Agreements with other recognized and accredited universities 

Many programs announced on this website are through articulation agreements with secular Universities. We offer online and residential training or blended learning. 


We are based from Miami, Florida the United States and we have information offices and training centers in Panama, The Rep. of Panama and two Post-graduate learning centers in the upper-class area of Pozos de San Ana, San Jose Province, the Rep. of Costa Rica. 

Personal Due Diligence 

Please check with your employer, state, country or other relevant authorities before enrollment, it is incumbent upon the applicant to pursue relevant due diligence. Any translations found on this website or our educational materials are a mere courtesy and should not be construed as factual and/or legally binding. 

Our facilities 

Our bricks and mortar - physical educational training sites have all the necessary tools for an adequate learning environment. Our digital LMS (Learning management system) is highly rated and used by over 300,000 individuals around the world. It is SCORM 1.2 and TinCan compliant. 


Our current refund policies are published on this website. 


We currently have a flat fee schedule in a partnership with a secular university. Please conduct your personal due diligence before you consider enrollment. We do not charge by credit, we charge a flat fee per month. 

Masters Degree Programs:..............................US$147.00 +/- per month

Doctoral Degree Programs:.............................US$195.12 +/- per month

Transferability of previous and/or current courses earned

We make no guarantee that credits earned at other universities are transferable to  Judges University or vice-versa.

Recognition and Approval 

By law, we are exempt from state oversight, and we are a bonafide Christian University with legal authority to grant Associates, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral Degrees. We are not a secular university but we do have agreements with some. Should you decide to enroll in a dual learning program at one of those secular universities - you must conduct your personal due diligence. 

Financial aid or Government loans

We do not participate in any type of federal or state loan programs. We do offer private financing with approval, pending or denial within 72 hours. 

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